Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Jambo! That's hello in Swahili, the local language spoken in our (Amanda and I) next destination, Tanzania. Amanda and I begin our journey to East Africa today after a very long succession of flights from Spokane, to Salt Lake, to overnight in Washington DC, to Rome, to Ethiopia, to Kenya, to Tanzania at last. I am hoping to do some blogging on the trip but it will definitely depend on internet accessibility. Our first stop will be in Moshi where we will begin our ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the world's tallest freestanding mountain, the tallest mountain on the continent of Africa, and hopefully the second of my seven summits quest. We are planning a safari after the climb and the rest of the trip we will be going wherever the wind carries us, backpacks on back. With nearly two days worth of flying in my future, my goal is to try and catch up on my blog from where I left off last summer and learn how to use my new camera. After pulling an all-nighter last night to pack and try and get an early start on the time change, I am officially off to the airport and will keep everybody posted.

1 comment:

  1. Jambo to you and Amanda! I am so happy that you are finally getting to the continent that makes my heart sing!!!!! Perhaps by sharing my Peace Corps experience with you when you were in grade school made an impression!! If the wind blows you to the Kenyan coast, try to make it to the island of Lamu (take a train from Nairobi-bus to Malindi-boat to Lamu.) Both Will and I went their after Peace Corps and decided that since it was so beautiful and peaceful we named your cousin Tessa Lamu Rugg! Will climbed Mt. Kenya and I did a safari! We both wish we were with you now! I have many collegues in Kenya so if you need any help along the way, let me know!!!

    Travel with care and an open heart, Teresa
